Related Projects
& Networks

EU-FarmBook is a Horizon Europe project working at regional, national, and European levels to create a digital platform for gathering and sharing information related to agriculture and forestry, using a co-creation methodology and using outputs from the predecessor projects EURAKNOS and EUREKA. EU-FarmBook will build on the results of EURAKNOS and EUREKA, making the data taken up in the Digital Platform more findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable while adding necessary functionalities based on the user’s needs.

The SFS Innovation Platform is a content-focused online environment for those interested in sustainable food production and wish to keep up to date. Individuals can use this platform to market their initiative(s) and/or innovation(s), while EU projects can utilize it to publicize knowledge regarding their Case Studies/Pilot Cases/Living Labs, Practice Abstracts, and other dissemination materials. The Platform allows all to search publications and weblinks related to sustainable foods and to the projects that are platform contributors.

modernAKIS aims to improve AKIS actors’ capacities to leverage individual, organizational, and systemic resources required for the transformation towards more coherent, effective, and efficient AKIS systems and the transition to a more sustainable manage-ment and use of natural resources in farming and forestry. To this end it will build and foster a European network of at least 1.000 key AKIS actors, including AKIS coordination bodies, from all EU MS, who will act as linchpins in the transformation of the AKIS systems towards a more effective governance and the modernization of the European agri-food sector.

The i2connect project is seeking to strengthen advisors’ and their organizations’ abilities to engage and support farmers and foresters in interactive innovation processes. The i2connect project is developing a support network and a networking culture among advisers to aid in the process of innovation in European agriculture and forestry. Serving this purpose, the i2connect platform includes a searchable data base of contact information from individual advisors, as well as organizations to matchmake SFSC actors’ needs with existing advisory services.

ATTRACTISS is a 6-year Horizon Europe funded project, which aims to improve & embed competencies, approaches, instruments & governance models for Member States (MS) AKIS and specifically for Innovation Support Services (ISS) as a crucial AKIS actor. The ISS enables the acceleration of individual grassroots innovative ideas to come to fruition & generate solutions for the transition process to a more sustainable agriculture & forestry sector. ATTRACTISS intends to set up an EU wide network for Innovation Support Services that allows to connect, develop a common understanding, vision and capacities about their roles & functions within the AKIS.

SMARTCHAIN was an ambitious three-year project and is a direct predecessor project of EU4Advice. SMARTCHAIN aimed at accelerating the shift towards collaborative short food supply chains by introducing robust business models and innovative practical solutions that enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of the European agri-food system. The project established 9 national communities of short food supply chains in different EU countries and a virtual innovation hub in order to facilitate stakeholder engagement, bringing farmers and consumers together in a trust-enhancing environment enabling them to generate demand driven-innovations.

FAIRCHAIN will contribute to the development of intermediate food value chains, which combine elements from both short and long value chains, to achieve food systems that are more sustainable from an environmental, social and economic perspective. The scope of the FAIRCHAIN will be the fruit and vegetable and dairy sectors.  The fruit, vegetable and dairy sectors are strategic in Europe, yet small-scale producers are in a weak and vulnerable position. The sector is nevertheless prone to a large variety of innovations and a there’s an increasing consumer demand for nutritious, healthy and sustainably produced food.

SKIN was an ambitious initiative of 20 partners in 14 countries in the area of Short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs) and was concluded in 2019. It intended to systematise and bring knowledge to practitioners, promote collaboration within a demand-driven innovation logic and provide inputs to policymaking through links to the EIP-AGRI. SKIN built and animated a community of about 500 stakeholders, with the strategic objective of setting up a European association permanently working for the improvement of SFSCs efficiency and for the benefit of stakeholders and growth in the sector.

Strength2Food was a 5-year EU-funded project focusing on evidence-based recommendations on improving EU food quality schemes (FQS). Strength2Food will identify and implement strategies for upscaling: creating new and expanding existing markets for quality food products and fostering the development of an ‘economy of quality’. It will undertake case study-based quantitative research to measure economic, environmental and social impacts of FQS, PSFP and SFSC. The impact of PSFP policies on balanced nutrition in schools will also be assessed. Primary research will be complemented by advanced econometric analysis of existing datasets to determine impacts of FQS and SFSC participation on farm performance and survival, as well as understand price transmission and trade patterns.

CleverFood will help get people from across society involved in transforming Europe’s food system in line with the EU Food 2030 Policy Framework, Farm to Fork Strategy, EU Missions, EU Bioeconomy Strategy, the European Urban Initiatives and Fit for 55 Package. The goal of the project is to pave the way for a fair, healthy and sustainable food system. To do this, it will support new and current projects, partnerships and networks with a joined-up and collaborative approach. The methodology used is made of: 1) Policy Labs, 2) Living Labs and 3) Pan-European multi-actor and public engagement. This will allow us to mobilise society to transform food systems by establishing the FOOD 2030 Project Collaboration Network and the FOOD 2030 Connected Lab Network.

The Fusili project sustainably tackles the challenge of food and nutrition security in urban, peri-urban, and rural environments. FUSILLI empowers its 12 Living Labs to integrate food into the cities’ transformation pathways towards a healthy, sustainable, secure, and inclusive urban future. It has ended.

FoodCLIC brings together actors from politics, science, and civil society to support the development of integrated urban food policies—i.e. policies that facilitate the accessibility and availability of healthy and sustainably produced food for all people, particularly vulnerable communities. Given the interconnectedness of food concerns with other (policy) sectors, FoodCLIC wants to ensure that urban planning always incorporates food considerations.
FoodCLIC is a four-year EU-funded project that runs from September 2022 to February 2027.

DOMINO is a Horizon Europe funded research project aiming to establish how fermented food consumption shapes the gut microbiome and provides health benefits to consumers whilst designing novel plant-based fermented foods which address the changing societal demands for healthier and more sustainable nourishment.
The project will last 5 years (2023-2028) and is coordinated by the French Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE).

The European project DIVINFOOD (funded from European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme) aims to develop food chains that value under-utilised agrobiodiversity in order to act against the decline of biodiversity and to meet the growing expectations of consumers for healthy, local products that contribute to sustainable food systems.The project brings together 26 partners from 7 countries (Denmark, France, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland) and relies on 9 living labs to encourage participatory research. The long-term societal challenge is to structure and stabilise territorial networks for collective management of agrobiodiversity, with a view to an economy of the commons that values the ecosystem services provided by the use of underused species and varieties.

Wasteless The WASTELESS project will develop and test a mix of innovative tools and methodologies for Food Loss and Waste (FLW) measurement and monitoring, will recommend a harmonised methodological Framework for FLW quantification, and will develop a decision support systemic Toolbox targeting all food value chain stakeholders. Additionally, WASTELESS will carry on research activities concerning innovative processes and streams to valorise unavoidable FLW.

Watson is a 3-year project funded by the Horizon Europe programme to tackle fraudulent practices in the food supply chain. Their interdisciplinary consortium of 47 partners from 20 EU and non-EU countries is working together to develop a holistic traceability framework that integrates data-driven services, intelligence-based toolsets and risk-estimation approaches, enabling food safety authorities to detect and prevent food fraud more effectively.

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