EU Network of Short Food Supply Chain Advisors: A COREnet and EU4Advice Collaborative Effort


One of the most important objectives of COREnet and EU4Advice is to integrate SFSCs (Short Food Supply Chains) more effectively into the food value chain. To do so, the project wants to enhance the existing SFSC advisory systems across the EU member states and gather practitioners already engaged in a learning exchange. The goal is to facilitate peer-to-peer learning and mutual support among public, private and civic advisors using IT-enabled solutions. This approach requires interaction among advisors, farmers, consumers and a more holistic method aimed at helping SFSCs achieve a bigger market share with a green impact.

Activating, mobilising, and supporting advisors in adopting and sharing best practices is, therefore, the first step to promote the competitiveness and sustainability of SFSCs. To achieve this, the COREnet and EU4Advice projects emphasise the creation of an Advisory Network on a European scale.

A crucial step of this process is the mapping of SFSC advisors, to understand their profiles, services and main fields of interest, which entails engaging with them through the dissemination of a consent form.

“It is our priority to identify SFSC advisors in each EU country,” said Fedele Colantuono, project manager of COREnet from the University of Foggia, “and understand how they are organised and how they manage their regular activity to be impartial, listen to the specific needs of SFSC actors and work with them. It is also important to identify and overcome institutional and regulatory barriers that hinder the development of SFSCs in the marketplace, as well as focusing on opportunities for scaling in performance and impact. To this aim, we need new knowledge transfer approaches and tools promoting interactive innovation, such as a pan-European peer-to-peer learning network, to exchange skills, knowledge and competencies that translate into improved innovation capacities for stakeholders.”

The main benefit of participating in the COREnet and EU4Advice network is the connection to an EU-wide pool of experts and advisors addressing SFSCs and the related issues. They have currently created a strong ecosystem for the effective transfer of knowledge among stakeholders in Europe. Additionally, the EU projects’ websites will host a public advisors database where all contributors can speak up. This virtual place is an opportunity to make the EU advisors network stronger and well known around countries. Every input will feed into policy recommendations at EU level. Findings will be presented and shared internationally.

With this network, COREnet and EU4Advice create a space for all actors to access the most relevant consultancy and necessary information. Their economic, social and environmental impacts will improve the food value chain.

Don´t miss this exciting opportunity to join the very first European advisory network focused on short food supply chains, click here to register!