Join the First Short Food Supply Chain Avisory Network Funded by the EU


Advisory networks are a new tool introduced under Horizon Europe. Advisors play a key role in steering and influencing farmers’ decisions. Advisors should be able to translate the research results into concrete opportunities for the end users, and adapt those to specific local circumstances. The advisory networks facilitate the exchanges between farm advisors across the EU, increasing the speed of knowledge creation and sharing, capacity building, demonstration of innovative solutions. The CORENET and EU4Advice are building one of the first advisory networks funded under Horizon Europe that will provide innovative solutions for farmers to improve sustainability of the short food supply chains.

What are the benefits of joining such a network?

Joining an advisory network can have a multitude of benefits, such as:

  • Connection to an EU-wide pool of experts and advisors: This is a valuable resource for anyone who is working with SFSCs. The advisors in the network have a wealth of experience and knowledge, and they can provide you with guidance and support.
  • Strong ecosystem for knowledge sharing: The COREnet and EU4Advice projects have created a number of mechanisms for knowledge sharing, such as workshops, webinars, and online resources. This makes it easy to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the field of SFSCs.
  • Public database of advisors: This database is a great way to find an advisor who is right for you. You can search the database by location, expertise, and other criteria.
  • Input into policy recommendations: The findings from the COREnet and EU4Advice projects will be used to inform policy recommendations at the EU level. This means that your input can have a real impact on the future of SFSCs in Europe.
  • International sharing of findings: The findings from the COREnet and EU4Advice projects will also be shared internationally. This will help to raise awareness of the challenges and opportunities of SFSCs around the world.

How can you join the network?

We are collecting information from advisors from all European countries, especially from the countries Coratia, Czech Republic, Finnland, Germany, Latvia, Malta, Slovakia and Slovenia. If you are a short food supply chain advisor from any European country and want to become part of our joint advisory network, you can register through the following online form, available in all EU languages:

We are looking forward to welcoming you on board!